Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Long over due Post

Yes, it is summer and therefore you should see multiple updates to this blog. Don't you know that teachers spend all summer drinking cocktails by the pool? I've broken away from the pool party for just a brief moment to update you on some of the happenings around here lately.

We spent a week in Virginia and Wash DC. You see the picture of Charlie and Olivia with George and Martha Washington. Notice Olivia's face. There was a lot of that during the week. Not that I blame her- history isn't exactly fascinating to almost twelve year old girls. Charlie was slightly more interested occasionally, but I had a great time. We saw Montecello, Mt Vernon, the Capital, various sites around DC, the Holocaust museum, and a lot of the Metro.

The highlight of the trip was seeing Brad's cousin Robby and his wife, Deb. They are expecting a baby very soon. Thanks to Robby for the awesome tour of the capital that he arranged. Dinner was great and we cannot wait to do it again.

I'd promise to update more about our trip or summer or Mitchell's graduation, but the pool is calling...