Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Testing, testing...

I am one step closer to being a certified teacher. Last weekend I took two state certification tests. I am happy to say that my classes in the education program prepared me for these all important exams.

Also, I spoke to my directing teacher who will be sharing her classroom with me this fall, and she said that I am welcome to attend planning next week. I am so excited! Finally, after so many education classes I get to experience the big picture. This may be the last summer that I ever feel happy to see summer end.

Brad is also happy. He got his Jaguar season tickets in the mail. His seats are way up in the stands on the home team side of the stadium. If he invites you to a game, be prepared to climb some stairs. The seats are five rows from the very top, but as Brad says, the important thing is that they are IN the stadium.
The countdown to the end of summer includes visits to schools to get schedules and books. Mitchell's registration was today. He wants permission to wear flannel pajama pants to school so we asked the teachers at school teoday if they were allowed. Four teachers gave four different answers. Oy! We struck a deal. He can wear them if he carries a pair of shorts with him so that he can change if he is sent to the dean for inappropriate clothing.

Lest you judge my decision... listen, I had to hear an hour's tirade about how UNFAIR it was the he had to wear UNCOMFORTABLE clothes just because I thought they were more APPROPRIATE than pajamas. I cannot have a fight with him every day about pajama pants. I have to fight with him every day to get him to wear shoes! "Why should I have to wear SHOES everywhere just because YOU want me to?!"

This school we will have four children at four different schools. One of them will be wearing pajama pants (and shoes if we are lucky).

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