Sunday, August 28, 2005

Nothing Nothing Nothing

Nothing. That is exactly what happened to the lot last week. We are the next house to be started in the neighborhood. There are actually two lots behind us, and every other house is already started. As usual, our sales agent was vague, vague, vague. Of course we know that he knows just exactly WHEN they are supposed to start, but he will only say, "two or three weeks."

Actually it would be better if they didn't start for two or three weeks. Then we'd have more time after the first of the year to sell this house. The when-to-sell question is complicated by December. The holidays make it a less than opportune time to list a house, so do we do it early or wait until January? And what about the bubble? Will it burst? OY.

But at least we aren't in Louisiana tonight. Those folks are in for a rough time.

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