Saturday, October 22, 2005

Thank You, Uncle Butch!

We walked on our future living room floor today. The outside areas and the garage are covered with black plastic, but the smooth part of the foundation is uncovered.

My Uncle Butch came over today to help us out with some much needed wall repair. I can't beleive the way our smashed up corners and walls have been transformed to new! The walls look fabulous because he is a professional. THANK YOU, Uncle Butch!

Uncle Butch had another wise suggestion- he said that we should move first and then sell this house. The thought of trying to pare down, keep this house clean and live with six people has been overwhelming. We looked at the calendar and every weekend from now until January has at least one major event planned. So, Brad is now busy examining our finances to see if it is possible for us to live with two mortgages for a little while.

Our trusses have not been delivered yet. If they could wait until Tuesday or Wednesday that would be ideal. Wilma, and now Alpha, should hopefully be out of the way by then.

Also, I think I am going to take the job offered to me by the school in which I am an intern. The principal said that she would be very flexibile. Really, it is an offer too good to pass up.

Here are two views of the back yard. Does this look big enough for a pool? We want no grass, just a pool.

1 comment:

stephen said...

What an eventful week for you! Can't wait to see all of you.