Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Settling In.... Slowly

After visiting the house so often, week after week, while it was being built, I was surprised when it didn't feel like home right away. For a week I felt like I was living in a bad hotel. It was the similar to the experience of being pregnant compared to the baby once he or she was born. They didn't seem to have anything to do with each other. Every day last week I came home to a place that didn't feel like my home.

Mitchell had the opposite experience. Even with a room full of boxes, he found his center right away. "It's home, Mom." There has never been a happier person.

Charlie got sick, unfortunately. He gets the first puker award. He missed three days of school right before an important solo vocal competition. Even stuffed up and still sick, he got a superior when he sang, "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes."

Bishop hasn't been home very often. He spends more time in Mandarin than here, but he does have the honor of being the first to unpack his room. Olivia is missing a neighborhood full of friends. She wants this house in our old neighborood.

Brad's so settled in he's having a BBQ. He put out the invitations before he bought the BBQ. There's a kink in the Direct TV set up, but once he gets that all worked out then he'll be competing with Mitchell for the happiest person in the house designation.

Slowly, slowly, slowly (or so it seems to me) we are getting unpacked. I'm not surprised that I live here every day when I walk in the door anymore. Maybe I'll win the happiest person award next week during Spring Break when I get to stay home every single day!


Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

Anonymous said...

Lori, I sure enjoy reading your blog. It's time to update it! Love you, Mammaw