Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The daughter in DC

I didn't expect to have such a good time in DC. I was impressed with the pagentry and formality of the memorials. I'm glad that our capital contains so much public space that is filled with the idealism of our country. Certainly our politicians don't always measure up to the quotes that are carved in just about every stone surface, but it is good that the ideas that our country started out with are there to show what we can strive for.

I really liked seeing Olivia sprint up the steps in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Here she is taking a picture of the big guy.

Olivia was also nice enough to take a picture with me in the Roosevelt Memorial.

There is a sculpture in a park called the Awakening. Olivia was one of the only kids who could sprint up the leg onto the knee with no hands. She had to try many time to get it right, but she was determined.

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