Wednesday, August 03, 2005

What NOT to wear...

I've been working at a middle school for three days now. I've learned so much that I am overwhelmed. Standards, discipline, how to walk on slippery floors, at least 50 names, school politics, bulletin boards, laminating... the list goes on and on.

BUT, one lesson I am just not getting is how to dress for working in a school. Last year I went to visit my directing teacher during the last week of school. Of course I agonized over what to wear. I showed up in a nice skirt and blouse. Almost immediately I ended up crawling around on the floor cutting, gluing and glittering. I discovered that there is no use in dressing up.

Yesterday I wore a nice white shirt with a new jean skirt. I thought that it was the perfect balance between casual and functional. After spending several hours cleaning out the classroom closet, I looked down to discover that my shirt was covered in dirt. Oy. Now I can understand the ubiquitous denim jumpers that teachers wear. At least they are durable and functional.

Ironically, I have more confidence about the big parts of teaching- planning, delivery, classroom management- but the little things, like dressing myself and packing lunch, are causing me the most difficulty. Thank goodness for student teaching so I can make lots of mistakes and ask a gazillion questions.

By the way, I have taken a solemn vow never to wear a denim, teacher jumper. And, Brad has also made me promise never to wear any clothing that is decorated for a specific season.

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