Sunday, January 06, 2008

Camera-LESS and JAGS

The holidays blew by with the usual mix of over-busy and joyful reunions with family. Unfortunately, in all the hullabaloo, my camera is gone. Therefore, I have no pictures of the fabulous times we had in December.

Still, it was great, great, great to have Leslie, Josh and Charlotte stay with us for a week. Everybody was digging the new Wii game system. I think Charlotte won, though. Josh might disagree. Wait, no, Josh won the tennis, but Charlotte won the water obstacle in Mario Galaxy. I have no idea who is the winner of the Uno Attack, but that is one fun game. Go get one and see for yourself.

The trees and decorations are still up and here's why: Last night the Jags beat the Steelers in a nail biting, topsy-turvey game. We had some folks over for the game, so I left up the decorations just for the party. Since the Jags won, it would be bad luck to take them down. They play again next Saturday against the Patriots. I know they haven't lost this season, but in this house, we BELIEVE the Jags can win. Merry January!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Jaguars!
We're looking forward to coming down soon. Prod Uncle Stephen to update his Blog!
See you soon.


Uncle Ned