Wednesday, July 13, 2005


We spent a lot of time this week putting in a new floor downstairs. The plan was to put it in the kitchen, bathroom and half of the living room, but once we got it all down, the carpet looked yucky. So, we put it down everywhere downstairs. The flooring is a vinyl tile that looks pretty good. It is a huge improvement over the worn out carpet and linoleum that used to be there.

We pulled up the old quarter round and put the tile up to the baseboards. Now the baseboards look very battered so we are painting them. I have always wanted to paint them white since we moved here. I love the way that white baseboards look with some color on the wall. So to finish up we have to cut all the new quarter round to the strange angles that we have in this house. Once it is all done, we’ll post a picture.

In the next house we vow not to wait until we are selling to fix things up.

Oh, and spending several days on our knees may have made us more willing to pay builder prices when we pick the flooring for the new house at the design center.

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