Tuesday, November 01, 2005

We got FLOOR

One floor, that is. They've begun framing the house. Yippee! Here is the view from the street.

This is the back view.

This is the bottom of the upstairs floor, or the ceiling.

There are a lot of braces holding things together. This is probably an indication that we shouldn't be walking around in here.

This is the only time we will be able to see the sky through the hole where our future stairs will go.

The view out of the living room window. I took the picture from inside of our house. Yes, that is the neighbor's house. We always said we didn't want any yard and that is what we got. Eventually, there will probably be a fence here.

This is the view out of Mitchell's window. Maybe we will put a trellis or something on the future fence.

These are the woods in the back. We were worried that there wouldn't be any room for a pool, but it looks like we have more yard than we thought. The builder didn't clear the whole lot. There is 25 more feet back there that we can clear out.

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