Sunday, November 27, 2005

Wrong date!

You know some days you are a day late and a dollar short? Friday, we were a day early for the Downtown Jacksonville Light Parade and Fireworks. We did get to see the tree at the Jacksonville Landing light up for the first time and there were some fireworks, but not like the ones on Saturday night. Today (Sunday), we saw the tree up close at the Landing after visiting the Main Library and JMOMA (Jacksonville Museum of Modern Art).

Glynn wrote: Lori, I can't believe you let Brad watch TV in the bathtub! GJ

To relax at the end of a long day, some people enjoy a hobby, such as gardening or cooking. Some people work out their frustration at the gym. Brad has a nice long soak in the bath. Hot water is his elixir. So yes, Dear Glynn, I support any time that Brad spends in the tub. The entire family does because when he gets out, he's much less grumpy.

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