Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Roller Coasters

I have whiplash from the ups and downs of the week.

First my dad went back in for knee surgery to remove a blood clot from below the top part of his incision. That went well and even helped with the pain, but now he has a fever again. OY! One step forward, two steps back… I’m calling all the healing energy in the world to dad’s new left knee!

The other crazy ride is the house ride. So much has happened this week that I don’t know where to start. The bad news is that there was a leak that was discovered when they put in the plumbing fixtures. The good news is that they fixed it and it dried out quickly. They’ve also finished tiling the floors and the bathrooms. The scaffolding is gone and we’ve been painted. It looks darker than we imagined, but we like it. We have light fixtures- most of which will be replaced because they are awful. The air conditioning was installed as was the garage door. The pace is brisk.

We even got a call from the closing department today. They are closing a bunch of houses in the next few days. I'm glad that we are not one of the many going to closing before the end of month. Maybe we'll be in the end of February push.

The best news is that we got banister at the bottom AND top of the stairs. It will be stained to match the hard wood floor in the living/dining room. That top banister looks so much better than the dreaded half-wall. Do not think that you can come over and slide down the banister. Nobody is sliding down that banister!

Our house number is up, too: 14033. Before you know it, there will be an invitation to a house warming party in your mailbox. We hope that all y'all can come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is really looking great. Can't wait to see you all in it. I know you are excited. Thanks for sharing. I love this site.

Love ya- Debi