Sunday, June 12, 2005

the neighborhood

Tonight we met our first neighbors. They were very nice and confirmed that there would be no houses behind our lot because we back up to a nature reserve area in the other development. As long as the other development doesn't put up a fence, then we should have a nice view of lots of trees. Good thing, because we paid a $5000.00 lot premium for that view.

The nice neighbors also told us that their house was somewhat delayed by the hurricaines last year. The storms around here were not the problem, it was the increased need for lumber in all the other areas that pushed back construction. So, this needs to be a quiet hurricaine year. Did you hear that Bret, Cindy, Dennis, Emily, Franklin, Gert, Harvey, Irene, Jose, Katrina, Lee, Marina and Nate? Stay away!

This picture shows the house across the street. I think it is a nice looking house. We picked our house color in less than five minutes. I just eliminated what I didn't want: grey, green, light anything, etc... and chose from the few left over. Really, we should let our neighbors choose our colors and we should pick their's. We are not going to sit in the yard and look at our house, but we'll be looking out the windows all the time and we'll see their houses. By the way, that house is for sale if you'd like to be our neighbors.

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This is the other house across the street. It looks grey, but it is really more green in color. The woods behind those houses also stay. Trees all around!

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This is the view up the street. You can walk across the street, get on the sidewalk and it takes you all the way around to the neighborhood pool. The pool is not yet finished, but we like to drive by it all the time anyway.

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Okay, maybe we WILL sit in the yard and look at our house. Luckily, we picked a nice color.

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