Sunday, June 26, 2005

Reunion, Reality and Relief

Last night was my 20th reunion, but since Brad graduated a year before I did, he knew lots of people. We had a super time catching up with folks that we didn't even remember that we'd forgotten. I also was lucky to see a lot of friends that I've kept close in mind over the years. The best part was being there with Brad.

Lynn, Marie, Tom, Jill, Charlie W., Brent, John T., and Leslie- we missed you. Everybody else who came- Gosh it was great to see you all!

Today we drove by the dirt and stopped in the sales center to see the model homes again. The 7-9 month time frame is a bit optimistic, we think. This is going to take more like 9-12 months. This is really okay because I’ll have a job after December and it will give us a chance to build up the savings account even more before we have to start making the big mortgage payments.

Brad’s getting handy. Although he can build you a worldwide network and data center or cater your wedding, he’s not as skilled with handy man stuff around the house. All that is going to change, because now he is collecting tools. Bob Villa- move over!

Oh, and just the other day we were driving out to see the dirt and our children actually got a bit excited about the house. They passed around a floor plan and drew in the furniture placement for their rooms. I played it cool and did not show my amazement, but secretly I was thrilled to see them imagine the future a little bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't thinkit's the color as much as the wood on the cabinets. Good wood can be changed as much as you want. You can strip it and paint it all you want. White/Dark/Blue with Purple Plka Dots......