Tuesday, June 21, 2005

To move or not to move

A house in our neighborhood went up for sale last Thursday and sold over the weekend for their asking price. This has set off a bit of a frenzy for us. Should we jump on the bandwagon and try to sell now or wait until the roof goes on the new house to put this house on the market? It is so tempting to try to sell now. We could rent the house that is right next door to our lot and literally watch the house being built.

BUT, we’ve decided to sit tight instead. Moving twice is expensive and twice as difficult. Bishop needs to finish high school here and I’m interning at a school that is 10 minutes away. We have plenty of work at this house to keep us busy until it is time to sell, and even if it does not sell, we can still buy the new house. Like I always say, patience is a virtue. Unfortunately, patience is not one of our strengths.

We had a nice picnic for Father's Day this past weekend. My children were kind enough to pose for a photo.

Happy Father's Day! Posted by Hello

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