Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Our new bridge

One of the cool by-products of moving all the way to the NORTHside is that we get to cross the river almost every day by driving across this beautiful bridge. We call it the Dames Point Bridge, but its real name is the Napoleon Bonaparte Broward bridge.

We went to visit Poppy in the hospital tonight. Tomorrow they are going to replace his left knee. The bill is now due for all of that football he played back in high school and college. Poor Poppy is hooked up to an I.V. drip which of course makes him have to pee a lot. Unfortunately, he's hooked up to an I.V. pole that is plugged into the wall. That makes getting up to pee very inconvenient. Poor Poppy.

House update: Today Bishop and I drove by the house and they hadn't even installed the master bedroom window yet, so I called Brad with my dire prediction that there is NO WAY they are going to finish this house by January 31st. Then he said I was a pessimist.

A little later Brad called with an update from our sales agent who said that they inspected the house today, and they are waiting for the alarm people to do their wiring for the alarm and surround sound, etc... BUT, the original company that we went with has gone out of business so another alarm company will be putting in a system.

But, the first alarm system doesn't seem to be going out of business (we called). Maybe they are just out of business for this builder. Either way, the plan is for the new alarm company to get there pronto, do their thing, and then we get insulation and the pre-drywall inspection. Then next week we get drywall.

Somehow it all seems very suspicious. Ooops, there I go being pessimistic again.

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